Monday, September 19, 2011

The Grim Reaper

Between the time change of being back in Munchen and hardly any sleep - this guy is on his lips today!  But, I should share that it is not exactly all my fault!

Gaelic Girl was not paying attention and managed to get in a fairly bad accident.  Can't say exactly what happened (as I wasn't there) and she really does not remember.  All I can piece together is that she was ejected out and onto the street, just in time for a bus to almost turn her into a grease spot!  Yeah.

She is made of sturdy stock so in not too bad of condition considering.  However, if anyone is looking for someone to photo to be a postal child for spousal abuse, holy cow!, she has the perfect purple, green and yellow covered body for it!

Luckily, she has a very good insurance plan.  So I sat up with her last night as she drifted between pain and drugged rest.  Sigh, usually this is the other way around!  But, I managed to think on our finality and also read an Agatha Christie or two.

John 8:21-30

Being prepared to meet "the Grim Reaper" is not a matter of what you know, but whom you know!

1.  Face the truth of your finality!
I am sure that ten seconds before GG's accident the last thing to go through her mind was that she was about to position herself well at dying!  I know I really do not think in terms of "hmmm, this just might kill me!"

And, yet, we all have an upcoming appointment with death.  Solomon, said it so well, ".....a time to be born, a die to die....." (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

2.  Quit playing with universalism!
So many in this world, heavens! in our churches, believe that there is some form of a balance sheet which will be tallied to decide our place in Heaven.  Sorry, but there is no tally, just a Book of Life.  If you have accepted Jesus' payment on the cross for your sins - your name is there.  If you thought it was a juggling act of being good and hopefully that will offset your sin - sorry, your name will not be in that Book of Life and Heaven will not be your home.  Your choice.  Jesus' way or the low road.....

3.  Abandon your "do it yourself savior" kit!
It is never a question of comparing your works/deeds/whatever to other people to justify why you should be in Heaven.  If you wanted to do that comparison then you would have to compare your righteousness, not with someone else's, but with God's.  Our sins are an affront to His righteousness - so any comparison is going to go real badly for mankind in that instance.....

4.  Look to the Lord!
You can not find the guarantee of Heaven outside of Jesus.  If you think you have, I am sorry you think so, Scripture just will not be on your side.  Jesus' forgiveness is free, easy and available right now, where you are.  There are no magically prayers or rites or words, just you talking to God and agreeing with Him that you are a mess and really need His help, forgiveness and someone to help onto the road to a new life.  And if you are sincere, He will answer.  Well there is a slight cost - your pride.  Because you will be admitting that you do not have the answers, you do need help, and that there is indeed someone greater than you.....

So, I am calmed sitting here, knowing that GG could be called home through a turn to the worse, or will recover to continue to serve Jesus' cause, in whatever capacity is required.  Of course, I will mourn the loss of my best friend should she not recover.....

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