Monday, September 12, 2011

Not As Remembered.....

Well, they do say you can never go back - and certainly this highly modified (from planned) trip was proof of this adage!

I got in late so stopped off at the pub located within the hotel.  Thirty years ago it was a pretty nice place as I remembered, today it is the hangout of hookers taking a break and stupid drunk tourists.  Needless to say, I did not return during the course of my stay - even though it was the most convenient place to be given the crutches.

The drunk tourists were by far all American, the kind whom should never be allowed back in the country (any country!).  Massively misbehaved, wholly unacceptable behavior and clothing that definitely should never have been offered for sale!  Just image the rudest of tee shirts you could find in a scummy shop and you would not even reach the depravity of these!  Yeah it was not pretty.

The "hookers" were another story - pretty much all very young teenage girls, obviously fake ids to even be there and drinking.  The bar keep should have been ashamed of himself!  I have not seen such sheer clothing since the 1970's (and I had so hoped those fashions were LONG gone forever!)  But, even those without see through clothing were not in good taste either.  Most mild tee shirt seen was "This shirt would look good on your bedroom floor!".  Yeah, right.  The effect of this kind of behavior is not only horrible for the girls but its toll on the young men - whom might otherwise be behaving themselves is despicable as well!

Oh how my heart broke for those youth in Victoria.  Drug abuse was wide amongst the kids on the streets.  And this of course comes with a boat load of problems for those kids and the culture.

It honestly broke my heart.....

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