Tuesday, December 11, 2012


So this is finals week for the quarter.  gag......

I passed my forensics class, which was sort of a hoot.  I did everything wrong and got 90% of the answers anyway, the teacher was stunned - no one had ever been that stupid before that he was aware of.

In my UNIX class one of my team mates sabotaged my machine after I had gone home on Friday.  I was mighty angry at him and if I ever have him in a class ever again, I may well get a protection order against him - so he can go to jail the next time he touches my computer in class!  Did I fail?  No idea, but the teacher was not exactly happy with we or him.  I still have to do the written test, but I think I will hold off until tomorrow to do that one.

Today is all about calculus, curse of my existance.  I was put into college when I was 11, in Germany, and I loved it.  I was just average compared to the other students.  However, I died in calculus when I was 16.  So flunked out of college.

About that time my father chose to move us to America and I was put into 9th grade since my English was so bad.  I was bored all of the way though high school, it only repeated every lesson I had had through 6th grade in Europe.  And then in 12th grade they introduced higher math and I died once again in calculus.....

So, will Kris finally pass math at the ripe old age of 57?  Cross your fingers, hold on to your hats!  Because we are going to try again tonight.......

Prayers are useful too!

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