Thursday, December 13, 2012

Slow Day

One of those days in which I want to post something deep and meaningful, but completely lack the spark to do so.

I am so drained from finals this week at college.  Yeah, I did pass all of my classes it seems, though it was by the hair of my chinny-chin-cihin!  As I discovered, you can indeed completely blow a final and still get a B in the class if you had maintained an A average on all of the quizes and homework assignments.  Amazing!  I would not pass me in math, but then maybe the teacher is being kind since I did try and it is the last of the math classes for me.....

I think I will work on a list of  what must be completed over the next several weeks, before school begins again in January.

First off, I need a Christmas tree, every good German needs a Christmas tree.  Now where to put everything so that there is a place to put a tree ..... ?  Hmmmmm.

Just as a side note, yesterday's post must have hit a nerve out there in Blog-land.  It has scored more hits in one day than even my most popular across all time.  Wow!  Maybe there is a hint in there that I ought to do some in depth work along that line of thought in the future.

Wow!  I am amazed.  I wrote it largely for me, as a reminder - a stake in the ground of a point of understanding, and by extension for a very dear friend, whom although knowing this just need to see it in writing.....

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