Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Abnormal Day

Outside of going to the post office, to deliver packages for mailing, I really did nothing yesterday - except think.  Thinking while racking leaves, thinking while driving, thinking while standing in line at the post office, thinking while making meals, thinking while lounging in the tub.  Yeah, it was a thoughtful day.  And it all began with a series of dreams just before I woke up .....

The dreams were immaterial to the thinking part of the day, they were merely the start of much I have to consider and deal with, for which resolution of any of them, without God, is impractical.  Some issues were considered, adaptations considered, changes which are possible at this time, such as - where are those whom I am responsible for before God?  And is there anything I can really do anyway at this or any another time .....?  And of all of them, I must be sure ego, vanity and pride are non-existent for the first of the issues requires 100% God, 0% Kris.  (sorry not going to share, it is fully God's problem, so not public fodder.)

The easiest one, is actually the hardest - what will I teach in January in the Sunday class?  I would like to do James, but then I have found that the very concept and nature of God is not very well understood in this culture, in this theological climate, nor in my church.  Do I do James and work in other material as needed to support of what people should already understand?  Or do I do a build up across say 10 weeks, then go deep into James so there will be understanding within the light it was written in, but has not been so since the days when God became a fluffy teddy bear within this culture?

Yeah, that one is the easiest of the lot.

For deeper, more sinister nigglings:
My mind roamed to Bosnia..... the B word in my life ......  I have humorously told of this in the past but you have no idea the personal pain Bosnia brought me - the loss of my Swiss cousin, executed for helping wounded Muslim women and children at a refugee camp.  Yeah, there were six others, all Swiss NATO medics, and they all lost their lives as well that day.  They were all that stood between the Serbs, and some 1,100 wounded and refugees - when the glorious NATO camp guards fled.  Those died for their stand.  But, their deaths made this war personal, this was family - and there are darn too few of us Plattner's as it is!  Bernard was the only other male heir in the family.  If he had out lived me or had a son, my title would have gone to him.  And now?  The last of the Von Thun's dies with me I fear.  (Yeah, there are other Plattner von Thun's but not from my family line!)

And I meditated upon the concept of murder:

Those whom believe in ending the lives of the weak and ill (Hitler, Mladić, Stalin), or the educated (Castro, Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin) or those whom dissent against authority (Castro, Franco, Hitler, Mao, Stalin), or in execution of prisoners of war (Bush, Eisenhower, Franco, Mladić, Stalin) as being correct.  Violators of one of God's big statements from Mt. Sinai.....

The Serbian butcher Radic Mladić.  Was I no better than he?  Yeah, I reacted strongly to what he had personally commanded done with my cousin ..... in the next 90 days, after I was notified, the Serbian army lost every sniper they had, every counter sniper they had, every instructor they had.  No, it did not bring back my cousin but I could sleep at night knowing those murdering scum were not going to be executing NATO medics any longer, and Mladić's army was now fodder for those opposed to genocide.  I still have absolutely no sense of guilt associated with that act.  And yes, I do ask God to make me understand the guilt, if I am.  And as Mladić continually goes through the appeal process in Germany, I sit and wonder at what kind of shot would it take to hit him behind bars?  He invalidated his right to life long ago and only lives due to the lack of justice to be found in Europe any longer.  (Hey Radic, ask me how I really feel!  You can run but not from God.)

So a bailiwick of subjects covered, none with resolution, just prayer items dangling in the wind.

Interspersed in there are visits from the two oldest daughters, youngest grand-daughter, a little time with a Gaelic Girl hunting Irishmen in the throneroom, and Niece.  Very active, very thoughtful day, yet I very much need real prayer time.....

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