Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Oh My!

I am thinking that my Lunar Cycle idea might have had some accidental validity.  Yeah, I saw in Blog-land that my cousin is having the same problems as Dutchman and myself with our sons!    Though his son is younger than mine, but still.  Too weird!

However, that was nothing compared to the weirdness of yesterday.

I spent most of the day away, as I did not even want to get into it with my son again, so when I did return, there was a car in the drive I did not know.  As I came in, I was in for a shocker!

Yeah, Gaelic Girl, in all of her fury was ripping son a new one!  Holy (*&%^$%) !  If I had guessed she would have been there in her red haired rage, I would have gone to Vashon instead!  Then it was my turn.  Yeah, GG is an equal opportunity ripper!

I guess it was really sort of a God thing as son did listen to her, no smart remarks or attitude like I constantly I get.  But no idea if he will change his ways - other than she gave him six weeks to get a life or get out of her house.  And, yeah, really if I think about it, there is a good argument that it is her house.  (I did sell mine in Wenatchee and this one was for the kids in school in Seattle.)

So over a very strained and quiet dinner, she feeling bad for having been a red head again, son for now realizing he has really messed up and me aching over the lashing I just took, I choked on my first bite of dinner.  And yup, it was for good!

GG finally was able to used her medical training and did the Heimlich on me!  Which of course caused my throat to void directly into son's face.  Youngest Daughter was quite excited as she had never seen it done.  I am sure her whole school now knows about it!

So, today, I feel like I drank drano my throat hurts so bad and my back apparently suffered injury as there is much pain from there as well.  Well and add a sore mid-riff as well.  Not going to be my day.  But, better to be alive and damaged then dead on the dining table!

I think now I will just retire to a hot tub of water and soak my pains for a while and listen to the rain.  And then I had better clean GG's house, or die, as she will be here for the rest of the week.

Time to think  about working on my dead car over on Vashon it seems..... 

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