Monday, March 7, 2011

How Big Is Your God?

In talking with my son this weekend, through his many issues, a reoccurring theme kept popping up - impossibilities in his life!  And yet, I know there are no impossibilities - if I am walking in HIS footsteps and doing HIS will.  But how do you communicate that to a hurting teenagers?

John 6:1-9 is a pretty good place to start, especially when paired with 1 John 3.....

First up, is the unpopular concept that we are ALL sinners.  We have sinned, we do sin, and we are going to sin again!  Yet, Jesus covered everyone of those puppies 2000 years ago on the cross.  And, we must agree with HIM, on that sentence concerning sin, if we are to be on the right track with him.  Confess, confess, confess and get over it.  (You need to read 1 John 3 before disagreeing....)

So, what exactly are the impossibilities in your life?  What stops you from being the person you should be or doing what you should be?

Your problems or situations are not too big for God to handle.  He is not worried about them, He is not stressed over them, nor is He afraid to address them head on in your life - if you are willing!

But, leave God out and just watch how pessimistic attitudes become a self-fulfilling prophesy.  Expect nothing to change, or get worse, and guess what - it will.  You have to leave your life in God's hands and have the faith to keep it there!!!!

God delights in asking us to do what can not be done.  When it does happen, it proves to us His authority in our lives and we know the credit is His and not our own.  (Take credit for His work and watch out dude!)

This passage in John is about a guy named Philip, whose attitudes we all have in common with him, at times.  We have to learn to walk in faith and not by our senses alone.

Faith is not the same as wishing.  Faith is not the same as taking the initiative and doing (running ahead of God!).

Faith is a response to the Word of God.  And how do you know how to "respond"?  By reading, study, meditating and prayer.

Unfortunately, faith seems to be lost on this next generation - but maybe my son will remember this conversation in the years to come....,.

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