Friday, March 11, 2011

Kurse of the Kris

I know I have often mention that I am death to all mechanical objects.  It is not like I set out to do anything to abuse them - they simply die around me.

So, Dutchman saw my note about having to hitch-hike (because Timothy's car died!) and so gave me a Lincoln Towncar.  The thing is so hurking big that I have rarely driven it because it flat out scares me!  I would rather drive a tank - honest!

But, two weeks with me and it was dead!  It took most of this week for them to figure out that the auto-headlight shut-off switch had shorted itself out and took the electrical system with it!  It was a nice fire, such a pretty car though.....  Another Ford, Found On the Road Dead.

But, I think you see what I mean - if it is mechanical, it will commit suicide rather than be owned even operated by me.

So, it took last week to get Timothy's car up and running again (another electrical fire!).  ThusI am still back to using Timothy's little car, which is mighty painful since my foot is still broken and the car is a stick - so I can not drive one footed!  My last doctors exam was bad enough that now I get to go to a surgeon to discuss what to do with the rotten limb next Monday.

But, I am not alone in my hobbling, cousin broke his other foot (calcium problems with his bones) and is not doing well either.  So one healing on him and one freshly broken.

Sigh, stinking Spencer genes.......

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