Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bubbus Americanus

Since my desire had been to raise some much need cash to pay for my auto insurance (due today!), I had decided to take one of the rarest of the rarest in my collection to the gun show - a CZ 27 pistol, from the first year of Nazi production, a nickel officer's presentation piece and all original!  Like I said, the rarest of the rare, it may be one of the very few still to exist.  I also priced it at a third of what it will bring at auction.

So, it is 2:30 Sunday, I am worn to a frazzle, you just would not believe how tiring these shows are, and I hear a thunk to my right.  A young man had picked up the CZ and then tossed it with contempt back on to the table.  He looked at me and said, "So, who pimped out the CZ?"

I told him the gun's history and then he decided to educate me that this was just a story and no piece ever came out of Nazi held Czechoslovakia of this quality!  I was rather stunned, generally I never get called a liar, much less to my face!  I find sticking to the truth far more stress free.  So, I commented that perhaps he should research subjects prior to offering opinions, which he really took offense at!

He stormed away shouting at how I must be some sort of psycho and walked straight into a door frame, wherein he then attempted to punch out the door.

Dutchman, my cousin and son just sat there and starred at the now closing door as a voice echoed from the other side about psycho dealers having a bad day, whom will not listen.

I stood up looked at the table and said, "Yup, that is the end of this for me."  And we all started packing.

But, even for how odd this was, it still was not the weirdest tale of the weekend.  I will share that one tomorrow for you consideration.....

As a side note, there is a wonderful book just published on the CZ-27 which is worth its weight in drool factor.

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