Friday, November 8, 2013


It has been a rough week and a half physically since I dropped my body on my front porch.  The aches, the pains, all the swelling is steadily going down.  However, the broken jaw just drives me nuts!  I want something I can chew!  I dream of steaks and pork chops!  And the thought of a rack of ribs!  But, unless it is tiny bites and not chewed, nothing I can do about it.  Sigh.  And my weight continues on the same.  How is this even possible?

I have not said much of Gaelic Girl.  Her departure from my life was a bit traumatic and if I do see her, she is not likely to say much, if anything, to me.  In fact I would guess that she goes out of her way to avoid me and the kids.  But, yesterday she made a point to thank me for something I had done nice for her many months ago.  I have no doubt that her psychiatrist was behind the acknowledgement and she had caught flak yet again for how she has, and continues to, treat me.  Well better late than never - at least that was my grandmother's take on such things, though there is little satisfaction in being thanked half a year later (and probably under duress)!

My friend from Colorado continues his fight against cancer - lots of prayer needed there, if you are up for it.  I really wish the whole lot of them were out here so that I could be a little more involved in what is going on,  But, perhaps it is for the best, for now.

My niece continues to be a blessing and continues to do well with her new life.  Thank you for your many prayers on her behalf!  I wish I knew where she is headed or what she will be in God's economy, but somethings you just have to wait for.

No more prowlers in the neighborhood.  I guess half nude middle aged man is just too much for youth to gaze upon and realize this is them in thirty years!  ("Honestly, Jake, just shot me if I ever start to look like that!")  Swedish Rocket Scientist will be back next week from Italy and his car will be gone and with it any temptation to prowl my vehicles!

Today and through the weekend I am at an antique show helping my mother.  I thought about getting a spot for me again, as I had done last year at this show, but I decided that it was not worth the effort.  As I remember, I did not break even when gas was factored in across the four days of this show and the 50 miles it is from where I live.

So, I am bored, smiling, and wishing I was most anywhere else...

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