Monday, November 18, 2013

Another Church Failure

Something is fundamentally wrong in ourselves, in our churches, in our culture, in the society within which we operate.  I have sat on this post for two weeks now because I have not known what to say, how to say it or even if it needed to be said.  And I am still not sure I really have answers to any of those problems yet.  And, there is no way to address this with any eloquence.

I had expected to have a quiet lunch with an old friend - I had not planned on getting involved in an inquistion concerning a mutual friend.

The object of the inquisition had charges brought against them by concerned parents in my old church.  The church did not agree with the concerns and as the first complainer was one of the under pastors, he resigned and left the church.  It was his daughter, he would not support a church which could not recognize sin.

It took little for me to run down the tales, using discernment - you can not hide, you can not lie.  And I was sickened.  My heart is broken, my spirit crushed for my friend is beyond guilty...

The first was a ten year old girl, then a twelve year old girl, a fifteen year old gir and the final known one a sixteen year old girl!

I suspect at least two other girls in the church were damaged by him and I learned by accident of one marriage he has destroyed.

Only two of the girls feel drawn to the church, but can no longer trust a God whom would not protect them; nor a church which would not take action.

I am ill, my avowed belief is that such men should be quietly executed and removed from the gene pool.  It makes me ill to think of my friend as being worthy of execution - and knowing that I would willingly be the one to take action.

Pastors and Elders unwilling to move on accusations, churches where sin is allowed to fester and lives destroyed, cultures so warped that innocence becomes sin, sin is expected, sin is ignored and the church is sidelined - when it should be on the front lines of the battle.

A list of losers, a list of those whom now need major prayer and reached out to.
I am just sick!

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