Monday, November 11, 2013


So, the Philippines are being trashed by one of the biggest storms ever on record and Kris does an antique show.  Seems trivial and given the lack of news on American news, I have no clue as to real news involving the typhoon!  Yeah, I can tell you how many breaths any player took during  the latest football game but real news - well just no time for that when football players are breathing!

The show was heavily attended on Saturday, alas the show was four days long however!  But, it is was a good show for me and I sold or traded away about one third of what I had brought - so no complaints from me.

The customers were interesting however.  A tremendous amount of identity challenged came.  It was a bit weird in fact.  My mother, whom I was there to help, thankfully was blissfully ignorant - otherwise her mouth would have been intolerable!  Yeah, she was in fine form and bad mouthing most and borderline out of control through the three days of the show.  Only one nitro to get me through the first day though!

I was torn how to react when a group of ladies came through dressed in 1870's style bustle dresses.  One of them was a guy.  I just ignore such specticals but I had to wonder at why he would want to dress as a woman of 140 years ago.  I mean it is not as if that style of clothing was comfortable in the least.

But the coolest part was cotton-candy girl was there, with her two daughters and she jumped me in a huge bear hug.  Now she is one of my special girls, was so 11 years ago when she was in high school, still is.  I found the rebirth of my emotion for a daughter!  Dead for over a year and yet apparently still there when I am not watchful!  I told her she was loved and she broke down into tears.  No idea what all is going on inside her but I guess that was something she needed to hear - even from a old German.  Since last I wrote of her, she and her husband have bought a house, renovated it and started going to a small church near the home.  Very cool.  I am very happy for the both of them.  That truly was the highlight of the weekend for me!

So got rid of a ton of stuff, bought a bit - some Christmas presents, a few coins for me, some things in trade I can use at my next show.

Very long, very tiring, and very stressful four days.  So terribly glad it is over!

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