Wednesday, November 20, 2013


A great many things make me sad.

Seeing the decline in the health and mental acuity of elderly friends.  To know that loss is near and it is just the unnatural way of things in this age in which we live.

Seeing friends chasing dreams and ignoring the reality of the moment.

Watching the contortions my current church is going through and the cluelessness of those involved to understand there is a problem, they might be a part of.

Knowing far too much and being completely unable to do anything about any of it.  What value is knowledge if  you are powerless?  You are forced to just be a viewer and that is painful.  Conversely, Jeremiah did not do very well in that regard either ...

Knowing a long time friend is a pedophile is a pretty hard one to swallow - he knows exactly how I feel about the subject and even pretended to agree me across the decades.  I will have to make sure our paths never cross ever again...

Knowing that in spite of my desire, this week is going to go horrible for me.  I hate knowing I will make others unhappy, especially when my desire is to enjoy some relaxation.  But, it will not happen.  Satan has a unique way of robbing joy from me every time the opportunity arise to do so.

And so I sigh.  Enough of my old nature survives that I can separate some of the pain away from me.  Unfortunately, enough of my new nature exists to make sure I am in pain.

I have come to the conclusion that either people no longer listen to what is said, only what they want to hear - or Kris has lost his ability to communicate.  No one seems to understand what I say, my words are stripped bare of intention and having done so, used out of context.


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