Monday, July 4, 2011

My 5th Child.....

So, went to brush my teeth this morning and there was this strange burning in my bare feet.  I look down to a spreading sea of blood on the linoleum.

After I got my feet washed up, bactine sprayed and bandaged - I went to find out what on earth had slashed my feet.  It took a while but eventually I was able to find three very sharp pieces of clear plastic in the hall carpeting.  It did not take long to identify that the plastic came from a cover off of one of my son's bic razors.  So whom was responsible?

"Not me Papa!"

That same darn child of mine whom has committed so many errors in judgement throughout my years as a parent!

But, this darn rascal of mine also managed to break the weed whacker, the lawn mower, crippled the dog, lose the screen out of the bathroom window, then leave the bathroom window open for lord knows how many days - but did close the curtain, then left the studio open - thru which the cat escaped - but it came back (darn it!) and all during the past week and then lost my little penny collection!

Certainly this puppy is going to go down, if and when I find them, but alas! that 5th child is darn elusive and just never around to punish.


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