Thursday, July 28, 2011


So son has gone missing in action.  He has been completely successful at avoiding me so far this week.  I have not seen him at all!  I know he comes and goes, but he is being mighty evasive or perhaps sneaky because the shoe is going to drop on this one.   Eventually we will be crossing swords as I am getting the boxes for him to store or move out with this morning at Costco.  With or without his presence - he IS leaving my home and taking his deceits and lies with him.  Very sad but then being held accountable is always mighty tough - especially in a youth culture consumed with lies and deceit.  And this is the Church kids.  Just amazing.
Of his girlfriends, for whom he has so totally hosed up his life over, one leaves in a week for California.  Her parents bought her a one way ticket and an invite not to return.  She is planning on going into some form of Marine Biology - but no matter her choices, she really needs to understand her need for God.  And I know she knows it is the right way to go but just can not TRUST.  Hopefully, in California she will be able to cross paths with someone whom can get her past the seed planting stage.

Other girl friend, might be current or old, seems to change daily from what I see on FaceBook - also really needs God in her life.  Thankfully, she has been communicating with me openly and honestly this week.  But, can I make an impact?  No idea.  And in Kris' perfect world it will be a mature Christian woman out there whom will become a part of her life and help her to understand that living by your own rules really only leads to pain and frustrations.....
Italian Missionary Girl is leaving South Carolina and heading ------ to parts unknown.  She never was able to get the funding she needed for her second year of language school, so not real sure what she will be up to next.  I think everyone can understand in this economy the difficulty churches are having with their funding - but there is a bit of responsibility which goes with saying you will fund missionaries and then not doing so.

Just so you understand, one of her sponsors cut her from their budget in order to send a retiring music leader on a month long trip around the world, but then to further explain, she has 4 elementary aged kids - so it is just not her - it is the entire family!  Nice gift, but being done at the expense of someone whom is currently working at God's calling seems a little dangerous.
Last year's runaway bride, finally married the guy she met on the internet and left her new husband for.  She has found life to be a bit harsher than expected.  Yeah, God really does frown on abandoning your spouse and running away to live with another.  Duh!  She knows all of this, because we even discussed this in her Sunday school class (my own runaway bride! and her demise) and yet somehow can not only justify this past year in her mind but complains that God is not doing enough to help her find a job in her new location and everything is going wrong!  To say that her parents and siblings are now in shambles of this would be an understatement.  This is the first divorce ever in their family!  If nothing else, her ex-husband has become a steady church goer I understand (and now dating one of her cousins!).  But will he find Christ though of this mess?
Artist Girl as you remember headed back to Arizona to be with her new found friends and to get away from her now seemingly odd acting parents.  And like the above tale, is finding that life is not quite so in control as she thought it would be.  Just a guess, but what about her leaving or life in Arizona has not been truly told?  Just wondering, because when God is NOT meeting someone's needs - I have to think they are in the wrong place completely.....
Dutchman has been having some real hardships with his company, a whole lot of non-payers have all but killed his cash flow.  This week he even interviewed with a company in Indiana about a position with them - but it seems not to have a match for either of them.  Also I can not even get him to talk about his $110m place he contracted for when we were down there several years ago.  So, I am guessing something went wrong with ????  Since it was a cash deal, paid by performance, I would have thought it safe unless the drug lords or state got involved somehow.  Whatever the problem, Ouch!

His son has been out of trouble with the law now for almost a year and still continues to work towards paying off all of the fines and lawyer's fees.  He still has one stupidity hanging over his head, which may well prove his undoing - only time will tell and some future court date.  I sure wish my son would learn from this kid's mistakes!  Cause son is making all of the same ones.....
My last god-daughter, now 15, was released from prison and sent to juvenile detention at the end of last year.  After three months the detention center turned her over to her mother as the girl was not only too violent but also was destroying the morals of those around her!  Of course she took off, just as she had done when she was 11, at the start of this whole mess.  It took a while but I finally found her via the internet, living with a 45 year old guy and writing poetry about how horrible life is.  Now what to do?  There is already one guy serving 26 years because of her.  Please heap piles of prayer on this wayward youth!  Maybe I need an early trip home to visit a soon to be ex-frog.......  Grrrrr!
So you can understand how filled my life has been this week!  Lots of prayer items, lots of meetings and lots more prayer!  So many seem to be so mislead by this culture and the poison if offers up so freely to destroy those too blind to understand consequences.....

But, then I have a God whom is active and does met out judgements both here and later on.  I really expect to hear of more youthful problems and that church getting whacked in the near future for their disobedience.

Because I actively do see GOD working quite visibly but unrecognized in all of these situations!  And I have to look to myself and wonder:  Where am I standing and how well am I doing?  Cause, I really would like to avoid being whacked by God ..... or is this two years of unemployment part of Kris' whacking.....?  And, what are his future plans for me?

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