Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Christmas Tree

Christmas' of my youth were a bit odd.  Mother's family were all either Mormon (grandfather's side) and did not celebrate Christmas or gnostic-Jews (grandmother's side), not real big on Christmas either.  Father was just a plain God hating Jew.

Luckily, father was German so we had St. Nicholas Day on December 6th - so a chance for candy for my sister, whom might share a piece with me.  But, hey, I'm a boy so all I ever got was sticks and coal (seriously!).

So, the whole Christmas thing was a little lost on me. 

After I became a Christian and spent time in Christian homes, I was able to share in some of their seasonal activities.  Like getting a tree and putting it up.  Seeing their happiness as they baked, went shopping for presents and wrapping and of course parties!  It was quite an eye opener for this young man.

When I flew home for that first Christmas, after becoming a Christian, I had quite high hopes of making some real changes in my families holiday spirits.  Yeah, young and naive but still one can always hope.

And, those hopes are still alive that Christmas might still come to mean something in their lives - like the concept of FAMILY versus their idea of me, me, me, me!

Yeah, still young and naive I guess.  But, I went and bought a tree yesterday.  In MY family, I have tried to model for my children that first Christmas I saw lived out.  And, like my children, I look forward to those shared family times of laughter, love and giving.  Who knows, I might even invite mother this year.....

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