Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Spook Changes Course

It was two years after Ireland and I was sponsoring a symposium in Chicago and had closed out the day's sessions.  Retiring to the bar to see if any of my groups were still around, I sat down and ordered a Pepsi.  The Spook about scared me to death when he slid in next to me.

I looked at me and said, "Uhm, you are not here for a repeat of Ireland are you?"  You see, his business in Ireland had been somewhat devastating in the news and although he was quite innocent as to what happened, he had liability in it.  I was not pleased with him over this, too many had died.

He smiled, "Nope, here on family business."  And I was to learn that he did not have family in America but a Jewish museum was opening and he was there to see that some Eastern European artifacts were donated which had been in his family.  Odd, I thought.

After many hours of catch up at dinner, we retired to the bar and he eventually brought up why he was there.  He wanted to know more about God, Jesus and how to turn his life around.  He just about floored me with that one!  I had just figured witnessing to a drunk would have not been a waste of time - but that moment in Ireland had a been a teachable moment and so had been used.

And, right there in the bar, he gave his life to Christ and insisted on praying out loud - confessing the whole of his life.  Make no mistake, there was not a dry eye within ear shot.  And though I do not know this for sure, I am guessing two others did the same.....

As we parted at the end of my trip, he invited me to visit him at his home and to share my testimony with his family - that very next weekend.....

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