Monday, December 27, 2010

What A Holiday!

It was a holiday for the books - let me tell you!

On the culinary side: one gravy lost its emulsion as soon as it hit the table, I utterly destroyed fudge - a first in 41 years!, something went terribly wrong with my spritz cookies, the lamb refused to cook in a timely basis, etc.  It was a tragic comedy but luckily everyone held their humor.  Even my prime rib died because the guests were three hours late for Christmas dinner!  Eeeeepah!

Mother's first visit in my home since 1998 went well - outside of her annoying prejudices.  Luckily I had more on my mind than fighting with her inability to control her tongue.  Of course, she showed up Christmas morning before I was even out of bed!

Son was really po'ed because he did not get a) money or b) anything he wanted.  The concept of I am unemployed seems to have no affect in his brain what so ever.  He stormed out of the house immediately after gifts.  Yeah, I twisted a few of my friends ears yesterday over my extreme disappointment in him.  Oh well, he is poised for the boot as it is - out into the big world which will not tolerate him.

For me it was a good holiday and I tried to make it a good one for everyone, especially in light of knowing that without some major change or miracle (large or small) this might be the last one with the kids.  Sort of bitter sweet in a way but then again we should be living each day as if it might be our last.....

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