Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So, the weekend was actually relaxing for me, save for mother's visit which stressed me immensely as I never know when or if the shoe is going to drop with her.

Sunday, my high school class went very well, I took myself out for lunch - running into a good friend whom works with youth in another church and back home to a peacefully quiet and stress free house.  Then I got a wild hair.

I had seen some fliers around about an improv group which was going to be doing something weird on a Christmas theme and I thought, 'Why not?'.  So I went.  Of course, my long time readers know I am not normal so what followed was nothing to surprise them, but ........

So, I am nestled in a very crowded auditorium.  I see some of my kids from class there and a few adult faces I recognized from Nevada.  No idea whom they were or why they were there but I never have forgotten a face, names however have always been my downfall!

The play begins a little roughly, smooths out and then becomes quite humorous.  Of course, since I am not quite normal I sort of was the only one laughing a few times.  At least that is what one of 'my girls' told me afterwards and she was laughing quite a bit about it.  Probably was simply shocking to her parents.  LOL!

But, I was glad I went as it was a good wind down to a stressful week of driving all over dodging idiot Washington drivers in the snow.....

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