Monday, February 17, 2014

What is Emotion

What is emotion, but a veil of tears behind which life is viewed through?
How can man succeed when all life is impacted by this thing called emotion?
Why should man ever been given something which only hinders all life, all desire, all success?

Driven to serve a God of standard.
Hindered by how created.
Guaranteed failure.

Then how can man stand judged?
How can man ever endure?
How can man ever have a defense?

Stripped of defense.
Condemned we stand.
Sentenced we are vanquished.

And the problem.
We are born sentenced.
Our only hope in God's mercy.

As I have been in prayer this week, I have come to understand things I only vaguely grasped before.  Slowly I learn and understand.  What I thought was sharp in my mind, I now understand was only dim and fuzzy.  Things I wrote even in January were not sharply defined, though I thought they were.  I understood long ago the beginnings and endings of much, the path less determined.  But, in pain, I have watched the endings become more viable.

Yeah, I know, you have no clue what I am talking about or if you do, know you are wrong.

My mind dwells on this creation and this problem I opened with.  James death last Friday only focused my mind more sharply.  Death is at the end of the trail for each of us.  Does not even matter how you get there, you are going to die - as almost all have through time.  Save for those after God's own heart (Enoch and Elijah being the exception).

How does one do that, be after God's own heart?

The answer must lie within the depths of emotion, the essence of man - desire, love, commitment - to an un-seeable God.
It must lie within the depths of discipleship - to not only follow but actually strive to be like our Savior, to do as He did.
Can anyone make it?  Well, I guess we each get to find that out on the other-side, but only if you tried in the first place ...

And so I return the concept I mentioned in passing on Saturday, that Germanic longing inexpressibly embedded within me - Sehnsucht, a place, a state, a set of mind, what is longed for and yet so unattainable.  I long for my home, I long for my peace, I long for my destiny, I long for my Creator.  This not an expression of ego or vanity, we each should desire this, yet we allow the world to cloud our minds.

The unattainable, will never be reachable in this lifetime.  So, abandoning - so, frustrating - so, humbling!

Maybe I am waking up ...

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