Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Loss of a Friend

Where evil reigns, there can be no innocence.  There is only to be found the sounds of the damaged, consumed by the evil which has overcome them.

Yeah, it was quite a holiday yesterday.....

So, Gaelic Girl asked me to go with her to see her therapist, I figured maybe the therapist wanted an outside opinion or observation, boy was I ever wrong!

Straight out of the box it started off with a tag team event, Kris vs Them, a one bout round over Yesfir - which rather quickly degraded.

So, roll the clock back to 2010 and I am not so sure that I ever told the tale of helping a woman by the name of Lucinda.  She had cancer, was dying and needed surgery but was too weak for it.  So, I took her on and cooked my little heart out making that woman gain weight, start doing some walking and getting her physically, mentally and emotionally able to take the surgery.  At the end of six months she had done this and then moved in with her daughter across the country following the surgery.  Apparently, I an suspected of having had an affair with this woman by GG!

I can guaranteed you that Kris has never had an affair, ever.

And it continued with GG in full paranoia mode of my list of conquests.  I was sickened.  Apparently, Kris has never done anything which was not sexually motivated.  In GG's mind I am my father.  I never would have guessed that GG's mind had degraded to such a level.  Nothing in trust, nothing in transparency, nothing in love, nothing in truth, nothing remains of the woman whom has spent decades in the ministry with me.  What I thought were aberrational years, that she would get over, instead were the end of the friendship.

The final comment from her I can remember was that she was going to go the pastor to hear what really went on during my last pastoral review.....

I held my calm through all of the attacks which continued until almost midnight, when sleep made my ears shut to the words of acid being poured over me.

Today, with shock, I get to try and figure out how to mitigate life with this new knowledge.  You see, it never was about Lucinda or Yesfir, at one point in her rage she even said it was over my financial condition for the past three years.  In her mind, that appears to have been God's judgement on me and all of which has followed in her mind only validates my sinful state ......

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