Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Hansel and Gretel

Here is a money saving tip for you: do not go to see this film!

I had hoped for something campy, you know really horrible, a Kris must own movie!  What I got was horrible alright but it is not an owner film in the least!

So, Niece and I went for the viewing - but she had to keep burying her face in my armpit, yeah it was that disgusting at times.  I offered to leave for her sake several times but she wanted to stick it out.  Really, it would have been fine with me to walk on that one.  Finally I had to decide she just like Old Spice deodorant.....

Gore is all this film has to offer and if you are into entrals hanging off the shrubbery, it is probably the film for you.

A big NO to this one.....

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