Saturday, September 1, 2012

Musical Saturday Morning

The 1980's brought about some great music, which is why I really prefer that timeframe. So far, most of my Saturday morning selections have revolved around secular music - so time to pick a song that has meaning to me, within a ministry context.....

It must have been back about 1982 I am guessing when I heard this song. It had a major impact on me. Not because of what was going on in the African Shara, which is indeed horrible, but in terms of our need as Christians to address the basic needs of humanity - if we are to have any basis for validity in our Christian Witness!

Once my favorite Bible teacher said something which has stuck with me, "If you want to witness to me fine, but what is the basis of your witness? What have you done for me that even will allow me to listen to you? If my basic needs to sustain life are not met, I do not have the time to waste listening to you....."

And so I look upon organizations such as World Vision as the vehicle to validate my witness. Food, clothing, shelter, yes, even missionaries to the needy of the world. I give you Petra, and Hollow Eyes:

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