Monday, September 10, 2012

Out of Ammo

So daughter fired her final bolt at me Saturday. She has nothing left to use to hurt me with. And, to have stooped this low, only confirms what I have been troubled over since the 29th of August when God began having me on a massive prayer campaign to protect her. But, protect her from what? No idea, so I asked her mother and was prompted unfriended on FaceBook and told my daughter had become completely paranoid. Imagine that, unable to understand how God and the Holy Spirit actually works she convinced her mother that I was using her account to spy on her. It would be sad, if this was not my daughter speaking. (for the record I am blocked and have no view of her what so ever)

She now has nothing to hold over me or hurt me with, but I have no doubt she will manage to come up with something else in a few weeks time. It seems to run in two week cycles, so around the 22nd I expect her wrath to vented again. But, this time she will have nothing. And so, I am led to wonder, whom else is her wrath descending upon? What other innocents have been or will be victimized next by her? This is called demonic dear daughter..... And that you for proving my post of a week ago.

I already lost my family, lost my friends (now down to one), lost her, lost my health - what is left? Have me tossed from church? So what ..... there is no fellowship left for me there, she has seen to that.

Please continue to pray for God's hand to mightily interrupt my daughter's life. The more pressure He brings to bear upon her, the greater the chance that those whom are empowering her will figure this out and send her back for healing again. Oh lucky me! It only took her 90 days to get from loving daughter to total demonic. I wonder at how long the healing process is going to be for this one.....

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