Friday, January 27, 2012

Post Play Warm Up

 It was in the 20's outside and a few hours of playing in the wonderful powder which fell throughout the day left everyone chilled to the bone.

Since it was also the Aussie father's birthday, we went out to a place guaranteed to embarrass you on your birthday.  Unfortunately, our waiter failed in his ability to embarrass.  Yes, Kris is a bad tipper at such times!

Now, I never have given much thought to the idea that Aussie Father and me have similar appearances.  Certainly, we share the same sick sense of humor - well he did get it from me after all!  But quite a few commented that we are very similar in appearance.  I just do not see it I guess......

Yeah, I don't always wear my glasses.  So, I was probably unaware a photo was even being taken!

Can you pick the 16 year old out of this picture?  Hint: Youngest Daughter is sitting next to her......

Of course, in the bottom photo you can find the lone Aussie whom mostly refused to associate with anyone or anything.  So different from the last time I had seen them.  Five years ago, she was apple of my eye and visa-versa.  I wonder what happened.....  I always mourn for the teenager that somehow has gone sideways.  I tried numerous times to draw her out but she was having none of that!

I know she had a few mighty vocal moments; the overt Christianity practiced in my home was a bit much for her - all that prayer is just so "uncool".  But, then her sister was  interested.

Seed planting ..... maybe to be watered back home?

And thinking of seeds, Aussie Father has been doing some thinking and had quite a few questions.  He is not persuaded but he is thinking.

Lots of prayer opportunities here, that is sure, for sure!

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