Monday, January 23, 2012

Math Miracle!

I entered the hallowed halls of my college, the figure of doom floating over me.  If I failed the upcoming exam, I would be out of the program, if I was out of the program, I would be right back to where I was all through the fall - bored out of my mind and not investing in Kris.

The teacher was 15 minutes late and I as able to catch him in the hallway and explain the problem - Kris is a math idiot and I have no idea how to even use the computer programs necessary to enter answers.  No, it is not user friendly, logical nor have a math or English based help option.  Kris is so dead.

The teacher motioned me into an adjoining room where a room full of kids were doing book work.  "Come in tomorrow and transfer into this class."  He hands me a stack of paper to turn in next week and tells me there is an exam next weekend.

Kris is saved!  Math, not for boneheads, but for morons!


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