Friday, January 13, 2012

I Take No Joy

Even before I was a Christian, I was a pretty straight forward guy.  You could trust me.  And up until mid-way through my 18th year, I never betrayed anyone.  Then my life made a hiccup and I did betray someone's trust.  It was not totally my fault, but I was guilty as charged.  That was not a good weekend.

Years later, one of most moving devotionals I ever gave concerned that incident and the recent death of that man.  Oh yeah, he was my enemy - make no mistake.  And he had been someone I had looked up to and respected.  Yeah, teenage stupidity.  But in that devotional, I told of how now that he was dead, I still was not free, nor did I relish my enemy's death.  Instead, I now understood what is meant about the importance of praying for our enemies.

One of my earliest posts concerned my Oldest Daughter's boyfriend being in an almost fatal accident with Virtual Fifth Daughter, complete with photos.  And, let us not forget the soap opera which unfolded after that!  Because I "discerned" a problem with the character of this young man - I went to his father, a pastor and told him what was up with his son.  I suppose I was naive but I expected a pastor to understand that God only gives knowledge when action is to taken.  I was labeled a liar - and in a small community my reputation was badly damaged.  Even if I was completely right.

No matter, I knew, the God I know, would one day  bring that young man to either spiritual or social justice......

Last year, I learned that said father was to find out that may be he had been a little harsh with me - what I had shared with him, had come to pass.  But, he could not admit he was wrong.  I knew it was far from over - God had His hand on that young man as he sat in the twisted wreckage of his car on the night of his accident.  I knew far worse was ye to come, he would be held accountable by God.

So, I now hear that accountability has finally come.  That young man, whom I had naively tried to help through his father - is now in jail.  He has come finally to accountability for his life and actions.  I will not go into the details, you can probably find the story in the news later if it is a slow day.  But, his now ex-girlfriend is hospitalized with severe damage and he is facing numerous years in prison for putting her in the hospital..

But, I take no joy that this young man is finally getting what is coming to him.  No, in my mind I am remembering the look in my own eyes, in the mirror, when my son had reached the same point of no return last summer.  The utter hopelessness despair brings when your loved one - is being held accountable.

Please pray for that young woman in the hospital, she faces months, if not years, of reconstructive surgery.
Pray for that father, whose faith in his only son has not only been shattered but now has been humiliated.
And pray for that young man.  Yeah, it is now a good time for him to consider salvation that is based on faith and not head knowledge.....  I am sure he will have many years of opportunity to think on this ahead of him.
Then add to your prayer list any sons you might have.  Our culture is bent on destroying - God wants them saved.....

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