Friday, April 15, 2011

Try, Try, Try Again

That was something my father used to say, in eleven different languages.  He probably say it more but I could only follow along in eleven - if it involved this phrase or his atypical cursing.

This week my application was accepted into a mineral show in May, so I now am getting ready to see what I can do there.  I am sort of nervous as the antique show attempts were an utter failure, coin shows were an utter failure and selling some of my better firearms was a disaster!  Thus we shall see if I can pay my taxes or not shortly!  Very frustrating.

For son's graduation last year, someone gave him gold and silver coins - which he sold this week!  No one would buy my stuff at half of today's prices, two months ago.  Maybe I need to try that one again?  Maybe eBay this time?  Have to figure something out before June that is for sure.....

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