Monday, April 25, 2011

Em and Jean

I so rarely refer to anyone by their real name, mostly to protect the innocent as well as to keep them from pounding me later - LOL!  However, I occassionally do, especially when they are in need of prayer.

So, back home is a lady named Em, yeah her given name!  I should also point out that I rarely refer to anyone as 'Lady' because the term does have a real meaning and I have so rarely encountered real ones!  Em is a lady, or in the English vernacular - a gentlewoman.

(Hey, Kelly, if you still read this - check out the new word!)  Ok, back to the story.

Now Em was not feeling well on Friday and by evening it was so bad she had to be rushed to the hospital.  Turned out to be colon cancer, immediate surgery and a rough road ahead of her for healing.

So please be praying for her as she is elderly and healing can come mighty slow to them.  She also has the added difficulty of being the sole caregiver for her husband whom never quite recovered from a severe blow to the head - so it is expected that there is little help he can give her.

Jean is Dutchman's mother, whom has been in frail health for the past several years.  I really feel for what she has been through!  Knee replacements, hip replacement, with all of the associated medical problems which go with these!

On Friday, she fell and KO'ed herself on the door of the dishwasher with lots of blood exiting her nose and mouth.  So, like Em as been in the hospital since.  She was lucky in that the bleeding was found to be from ulcers caused by the medicines, drop in blood pressure from the bleeding caused her to collapse, no damage to her bionic parts - so all is medically good.

However, she had to recover from the laser surgery, build up her strength and then there is that head impact and neck damage.  So.....

Lots of prayer for both of these dear women!


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