Monday, April 18, 2011

God Gives Abundantly

In my little group of college age men we discussed God's blessings, and equally, how blessings are not always in physical form.

So, given that our discussion audience is all Christian (of varying maturity levels) and that you are doing what God has asked of you, then:

1.  If you can look around you and see beyond your wants and desires - you will see that God has given to you extravagantly! If you own a change of underwear and know where your next meal is coming from - you are already light years ahead of the rest of the world!

2.  We must be satisfied with God's provision.  He gives us what we need to accomplish the tasks and goals He asks of us.  We must learn to be satisified with God's allocations to us - not yearn for more, more, more!

3.  But, when God is blessing us with His resources, He gives far more than we can/should be using!  His surplus is not ours to waste, it is to used for His glory, not the latest and greatest electro-thingy!  As a western culture we all really fail on this point!!!!!

4.  It is important for you to remember that God wastes nothing.  If we consider the miracle of the feeding of the 5,000 - Jesus told the disciples to gather together the excess from the meal.  Yeah, to make a point to each of them that He gives in abundance, but also so that the excess might be used for _ _ _ _ _ _?  Perhaps a later meal for them, perhaps it was given to someone there from the neighboring town or .....  We don't know but I am willing to bet that it was not feed to sea gulls or sold to buy hair gel.

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