Thursday, April 7, 2011

21 Days

I know I have mentioned before how my life seems to hang on a 21 day lunar cycle.  That is to say that every 21 days someone, anyone, goes off on me or life just plain sucks.  Oh yeah, today was one of those days.

On the mild side is youngest daughter house-sitting for some people I met at the Dave Ramsey Seminar last year.  Nice young couple and way ahead of me in squashing debt (sigh!).  However, disaster struck this afternoon.

Seems their front door's cylinder lock decided to split right down the middle and seized the key, which eventually snapped off in our attempts to free it (okay, after 2 hours of trying to get the thing to turn or out!).

So, went to the cops and told them what happened and they offered to use their ram to take down the door.  Or, I could call a good locksmith.  Which of course I did!

It took him about an hour to get the door open.

Why the emergency?  Well, their dog was trapped on the other side and in desperate need of a walk!  Luckily, the dog knows me and her little yellow eyes were delighted to turn brown once again after I got her outside.  Poor puppy!

So, I am down $366 for this, plus a new lock.  Sigh...

Ah but the best part was my son exploding and then leaving with his girlfriend to go join the military.  Will he?  Who knows, I just feed him take his abuse apparently.  We will see.  I am very unimpressed with him to date.  But, he is my son and though a 'man', I still wish the best for him.

I think I am going to call the day over now.

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