Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Seek God's Face Not His Handouts!

Thinking on Deuteronomy 18:15, with John 6:14-15 and 6:22-27 in mind.....

Jesus had an awful lot of fans, but they were not followers.  When he fed the 5,000 - they followed him seeking more food/handouts, aftrer all, Moses had feed them for 40 years and wouldn't be nice if they could coast for the next 40 by following this new prophet?

Fans expect you to do something for them today.
Followers ask, "what can I do for you today?"

When we say that Jesus is just what I have been waiting for, what do we mean by that?

Are we, like those Hebrews so long ago, thinking that we have discovered the goose that lays golden eggs?  Once with Jesus and we can now retire to easy street?  America's God has become the god of the never ending shopping list!  We select and go to churches which will serve us and our anticipated needs!

It is true that each have physical and natural needs, however the natural man only understands his physicals needs.  And so many Christians have become.

When we seek Jesus for the wrong reasons, what can we expect him to do?
Well, in these verses the people saw a miracle and then thinking that Jesus was about the 'here and now' of life, flocked to him expecting more physical blessings (and probably food as well!).

But Jesus withdrew from them, He was not going to let them make Him into something that they want!

Today when you seek Jesus for the wrong reasons - you are not going to be finding Him or that Jag in the garage either!  But, when we seek Him as God, in humbleness of spirit, for whom He is, then we will be finding the great I AM, the Resurrection ..... and the Father.

And maybe even a fish, if he has reason to provide us with one.....

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