Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Quiet Blessings

I can not claim to know more than even a handful of the women's names at this church.  Pretty much we have nothing in common and I am quite happy with that(!).  However, on Sunday, as I was walking out, I noticed one whose name I did know in tearful conversation with another.  I also can read lips in four languages and have excellent hearing - but don't tell my kids!

I met this woman via the internet, when my life became a disaster in 2005.  She had read one of my postings, in which I had no response to a child rearing situation I found myself in.  Her lengthy email is still saved because this was one total stranger baring their soul to another.  And I was grateful to God for her advice - as it successfully put a lid on situation, led to the salvation of a kid I never had heard of before, and although ultimately all tarnation eventually broke loose, that intervention laid the foundation for that child to turn around.

I doubt I have ever said even dozen words to her, except to let her know that  I appreciated her solution at the time and it had worked,

Now, I become aware that this woman is in dire straits financially.  Well, there is little I could do for her, the contents of both my savings and checking would barely scratch her need.  But, this is where I saw that the help she sought from the church was answered with a shaken head - they have financial problems too it seems.

So back at home, I thought on this.  It is the Church's responsibility to answer the basic needs of the congregation.  If we are incapable of this, then we are incapable of representing Christ in this world.  But, what can I do?  Almost nothing.  I fiddled with my Excel spreadsheet and after several hours I found a way in which I could give her just a little and it will hurt me bad in two weeks time.  But right now is her need and I have faith God with answer mine in two weeks time.

In fact, if everyone of us would help, just a little - you know we can be effective witnesses for Christ and a blessing to our Church family.  I thought on this as, "God did not call me to have a minimum balance in my checking account, he called me to be a servant."  So, I had an intermediary last night deliver what I could give her.

And so, today, with my viewing a minor disaster in 13 days, due to this decision, I unexpectedly received money out of the blue!  Oh, yeah, I am bailed out of financial trouble today and feeling very blessed!

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