Wednesday, September 18, 2013


So, it took three attempts for me to finally see this film!

First time, the theater had dropped it from their offerings on the second day!

The next time, I was beaten up by a Wendy's cup dispenser and rendered incapable of sitting through the movie.

And finally, Friday night, it all came together for me and I was able to see it at long last!

First off, I do not like Jeff Bridges. Name a movie of his and it will not be on the Kris like's list. I feel very much the same over his brother Beau believing he is an 'actor' as well. Their father had talent, but those genes were never was passed to the the children!

The movie starts up and of course, I hate the Bridges character instantly. It has been so long since Tremors, I barely recognized Kevin Bacon - so I expected something fun with him being in the movie. And Ryan Reynolds, honestly, who cares? So not much talent assembled here in my book.

If you enjoyed Ghostbusters or Men In Black, the storyline is basically the same recycle from those two. Outside of a few script twist, there is no originality here.

So, you are getting my impression here: lack luster stars, non original storyline, a few laughs and nothing more.

However, by the end of the movie I was liking the Jeff Bridges character and his effort, he had put some thought into his effort and it came together nicely for him. But the film was still not an owner.

CGI violence, teen friendly, language not overly terrible. Recommended for mind numbing entertainment only - when you are brain dead, unless your brain is occupied watching or doing something else something (I am often 'watching' a movie when I type up these posts!) - else go rent Men in Black and enjoy something fairly original ...

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