Friday, December 30, 2011

A Dark Christmas

I almost count it a blessing when the power fails - no TV blaring, no computer battles, children not glued to their gaming machines, yes power outages are mankind's friend.  I even remember a time when they knew how to read!

Christmas Day was an unfortunate time to have a power outage, but then again.....  So I thought you might like to see what happened on the other side of the lake from me:

Luckily, I make pasta salad for every Christmas Day.  The sour and lightness of the salad is a refreshing break from too much sugar and heavy meals.  So, we ate heartily and put on sweaters.

As for the mess?  Well, it is lucky that it is a 25mph speed zone or several cars could have been squished!  The trees were all cut up on the 26th and they reset the power poles on the 27th, so now it is line restringing for power, cable and telephone.  Naturally, with the northern lake road blocked, all traffic is being routed around to the south - where I live, but everywhere I have to go is to the north!  Yeah, freeways, church, stores, etc are all to the north.  Just a pain to put up with.....

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