Monday, December 5, 2011

When At The Cross Roads

John 9:35 - 41 and Mark 8:34 - 37

As I continue to think on the blind man whom Jesus healed, pain and suffering in general, a friend's injuries, my condition in particular.....

I try and do the right thing, for instance - in all meetings with youth I have never done so alone.  I always have a mature female Christian with me at all times.  At first that was easy as Gaelic Girl has for years worked with me.  If not her, then my lawyer's wife back home in Basle Stadt.  But, all of that was to change.  I am blessed to have a very down to earth lady from Montana now to help.  Unfortunately, she was badly injured a few weeks ago.  Tripping over a newly adopted cat one night, the fall broke numerous small bones in her left hand.

So this morning we talked with our class about healing and how much she has prayed for healing in the emergency room, and with each hospital visit, for relief daily from the crippling pain.  How much longer I have prayed for relief from the disaster cancer surgery wrought upon my body.  Yet, there is not a day that goes by I do not praise God for the ability to still walk.  How easy it would have been for Him to heal me and not have to have my spine sawn open.  How much easier for Him to heal those small bones in my helper's hand.  Yet, God chose the hard path for both of us - for very obvious reasons - suffering brings forth  faith, suffering brings awareness of other's pain, suffering challenges us to be overcomers.  And, like me, my helper praises God because she knows this is within His will.  And tough enough to endure.....

Our healing is guaranteed, the only question is as to when.  For the blind man it was that day in Jerusalem - as a witness to those on the street, to him and his family, to disbelieving Rabbis, the Pharisees and the faithful gathered at the temple that very special day.

For most of us, Heaven is the ultimate healing location and solution to our suffering (Hebrews 11:35).  Not everyone lives happily ever after, at least until Heaven, for most of us.....  Until then, we are to be faithful, even in our pain and suffering - just like the believers of old!  Unlike the disbelieving world, we have HOPE until the day that suffering will indeed end.  (Philippians 3:10-11)

Peace, pleasure and healing are all in Heaven, not to be found here.  Staying alive does not compare to a day in the service of Jesus.  (Matthew 10:39)  So many seek the bizarre to find healing, to end pain, to stretch those days out on this earth out.  As Mark 8:36 - 37 tells us, you can pursue all the things of this earth and lose your soul; to what end .....?

It is easy to imagine the blind man would have given anything for his sight, especially in a society in which he was condemned by all for his birth condition!  And yet, from the unexpected came his healing at the hands of Jesus.  Hmmmmm.

I love this part: the man asked whom it was, whom gave him his sight and Jesus answered that he had already seen whom.  And, the man immediately began worshiping Jesus!  That whole argument that Jesus was not worshiped in his lifetime - just ended there. 

For us today, our salvation has been bought through Jesus' execution and resurrection.  All any of us have to do is just to receive that blessing Jesus' left for us.  No, you may well not receive healing in this life, but you will be given what you need to overcome.....

So, when you reach that crossroad in life, much the same as presented itself to the blind man, be sure you pick the road leading the way to the CROSS.

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