Thursday, December 8, 2011

Catch Up On Prayer

My Baja, Mexico student came on Sunday - so it was great to have her catch up with us.  She really needs much prayer.  Her father was recentlyexecuted by bandits down in Baja.  Her mother and sister are now without support.  Not good for as hard of times as this in rural Mexico.

Kim, aka African Missionary Girl, is back home safely.

My ex-mining partner in Tucson has been hospitalized with problems in with his urinary system.  He is not doing well at all.  Due to a heart problem, and associated meds, he can not have antibiotics.  Much prayer is needed for him to reconsider his standing with God - and yes - for his healing too.  But, he is in his 80's and this is a great time for him to get past whatever his hang up with God is - at this time.  I heard that his wife's pastor came and talked with him last night and he even took communion.  Can his heart be melting?  I sure pray so!

For those whom remember all of the guy troubles a few months back - everyone seems to be doing better.  Swede had to have surgery and it was rather drastic.  :^(  I am praying he can get over and past this.  If I understood right, he will have one or two more surgeries to make "adjustments" as his body heals.  Brother in law had to have some chemo following his surgery.  Cousin and Dutchman are fine.  As for me, I am recovering and really never wanting to go through something like that again!  My weight has been swinging plus or minus 35 pounds, weekly, every since the end of September!  Which has brought on cramping all over my body.  I found out that Quinine helps with cramps!  So am drinking Tonic Water for a few days.  Last night was my first night of sleep without being awaken by severe cramps in the midst of the night!  PTL!

And thank you for your prayers concerning new daughter and I.  Each and everyday I am getting more and more confirmations that I am walking on the tightrope in the correct direction.  It is satisfying to be reassured that I am not deceiving myself and this IS of God.  Conversely, it is a little terrifying not actually knowing where a path leads.  There are times I can see in her eyes the strength that fails me - due to my own past and fears of commitment in another's life.  Today we talked at great length on comfort, discomfort, what is a Christian man and how saying "I love you", does not mean I want to have sex with you.  How this culture has poisoned our young!  I am more at ease today because she talked and expressed her inner self and demonstrated she is about as scared, cautious, wary and on the edge of acceptance of this - as I am.

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