Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Back in August I started a letter to family and friends - only life intervened.  It is amazing how so much could be so messed up in my life through the summer and fall - that a letter was really a moving target!  And I really did not want to send out a whiney-my-life-sucks-letter!  As my sister said, when she was out here for a visit, ".....maybe you should just write about how I wished life really was....."  I had a good laugh over that one but it was a true-ism.  Luckily, I was able to crank out something newsy and not negative over the weekend.  Thank God that is over and in the mail!  (So yes, dear aunts, it is finally on its way!)

So now I have decided to send Christmas Card's this year!  Now that is something I have only done like once in my life!  But, as soon as the letters were in the mail, I found stacks of pictures of the kids and grandkids that need to be sent - and no news for a letter. 

Hmmmmmm, yep, its card time.

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