Saturday, December 29, 2007

Maybe I Was Right

Before I went on vacation, I was thinking about what is wrong with culture today and hit upon the idea that a lack of character maybe behind a great deal of today’s problems both within and outside of the Church.  This was more so driven home to me when I picked up the newspaper in Tucson.

Commanding a great deal of the paper was the story of an Army officer whom had met a local woman over the internet.  They corresponded for some length of time before they both flew to meet one another.  They hit it off great and before he was shipped off to Afghanistan – they became engaged.

Their internet relationship grew to the point of inappropriate emails, and here is where the woman’s brother steps in, he smelled a rat and began a simple internet investigation.  Near as he could find – the guy was already married with a family.

Devastated, the woman called the base in Afghanistan and asked if the man was married – the chatty party on the other end not only told her that he was but that he was currently in Tokyo with his wife on R&R.

And, oh by the way, he was the camp chaplain…..

I had to read this story three times, not believing my eyes!  Here is a man supposedly representing God and His work, whom is involved in adultery, pornography, deceit and lying at the very least.  What a witness!

Is it any wonder this kind of situation occurs when we have no qualification of character expected from our shepherds?

I am absolutely flabbergasted…….

Churches really need to brush up on their qualifications for anyone in leadership or eldership (hint: read the Timothy’s and see what is not happening today in the Church!).

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