Monday, December 3, 2007

Is He The One?

Pragmatism is a disease within our Christian Bodies and has become the basis now for Christian thought and direction - replacing God completely!  Even the average Christian can no longer answer the question, "How will I know God's will for xyz situation?"!  And this is because we have allowed Christian belief, based on experience, to replace study, prayer and fasting.  

The answer plainly evident in Scripture is:
  • When every door is closed,
  • When "everyone" is against you,
  • When you are so exhausted there is no hope left,
  • There is where you will find God's answers!

Yeah, we must be "broken" in order to hear and understand God.  I have proof, want to see the x-rays?  Hmmm, another blog topic……..

Not every situation is going to be so desperate in finding God's answers in life but you have to understand that until you are dependent upon Him for everything, he doesn't have a great deal of use for you.  And, once you have been there, you will never be the same person again.  I think maybe now you are getting the idea: for you it is not important whether "He is the one!" - the question for you to answer: "Are you the one?".

Yeah, a different perspective - nothing in our Christian walk is about "I", "me", or even "us".  So, have you created within yourself the woman whom would be the compliment to any man for that matter?  And do you know where God is going to take him?  And, it may not be you, maybe it is "xyz" or no one at all.  But the decision you make must be based upon God's direct leading.  Each of you should be regularly in the Word, alone, together, combined, just being there is what is important.  Each of you should be regularly in prayer - alone, together, combined - all of the above!  Prayer is your pipeline to God, it is what He gave us to let our minds, heart and Spirit confirm to Him that we understand our place and His.  And your walk - we each know what we are like in our hearts, we each know our own failings, and we need to stay on top of our sin natures: to keep them in control and to remain in confession so our adversary has no material to use against us - before God or the world or even "that special someone".

So, if you understand the above, you know I would not tell you, "Yeah, God told me you two are perfect for each other.  Rope 'em and hitch 'em!"  Even if I believed He did tell me so.  Why? Because you are a Christian and God will tell you Himself when the time is right and your heart is right.  Until then - you just wait and do not even think of out guessing God!  Anyone whom would tell you differently in your lives - should be ignored.

Now, what I will say is this -

You are both real young right now and getting a solid footing under you is extremely important.  The more tools you give yourselves, the broader your lives will be either together or alone in God, either in the world or working for Him.  Which is why I said both you and him need to focus on your educations.  Oh sure, you can do just fine without a college education, but it certainly will not hurt you in the long run!  I never graduated from college, I sit 24 credits from doing so, for decades because I will not take humanities (long story).  But, I gained the knowledge I needed by going and working towards my doctorate in Apologetics.  Yeah, I have all of the course work done, just no bachelor's to hang it on.  This would become a tremendously long letter were I to tell how God has used those study efforts for His purposes.  In fact had I not of gone to college, this email would not even have existed as I could not have overcome my problems with written English!

Remember, your most important job is to satisfy yourself that any perspective young man is actually a Christian - job one is fruit inspection!  I expect my nephew to pass the test, but you are the one on the hook to God to have done this yourself, since you lack a father of Christian discernment.  Then, become that successful young man's -  best friend.  That friendship is what will make marriage material out of both of you.

As an Uncle -
I have long been impressed with him.  He hasn't had the happiest of lives yet through that, he found Christ.  And, I know, it is a real faith inside of him and this impresses me.  Just the fact he asked me about you, creating this cavalcade of emails, makes me a little embarrassed, a little excited and a little hopeful for the best for him and for you as well.  He is very much to the product of prayer, by a great many people whom even he does not know.  I see God's hand on him and though some of his decisions have left me, er, very worried, I continue to see God leading him.  Whew!  What could have been horrible, turns out ok - hmm, Romans 8:28.

Do not rush him, I think he will be a great catch when the timing is there from God.  Comfort him that nothing needs to be today or tomorrow - you are not going anywhere.

As your brother in Christ -
 You have impressed me, through so few of words, as few young women have.  I will join in prayer with you over the Lord's leading in your life:  That He will lead you, so you may be prepared, for His future in your life.  And, if you need an electronic shoulder or an ear to chew, I will be here.  (The number of times I have ever made that offer are mighty small, so be flattered!)

Consider reading the Book of Ruth.  Study this book, not from the standpoint of, "Oh look a little book in the Old Testament" but from the standpoint of understanding why she did what she did - how did God prepare her - how would you have reacted under the same situations - etc.  This is a great look at why - living your life so that you are ready to be used by God - is important. 

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