Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I was never awarded my doctorate in theology, because I never was awarded my master’s in apologetics, because I never finished either of my bachelor degrees in computer science nor apologetics.  There is this little course requirement called Humanities…..

I failed to see in 1975 what music, pottery, basket weaving or human sexuality had to do with computer science.  Well, the latter one might have prepared me for office politics I guess!  Anyway, I just flat refused to play the game.  Twenty years later when I had my doctorate requirements exceeded in apologetics, my dean asked me to please get the humanities credit done.  I just can not.  I have twice the credits to receive any degree in any of these subjects, plus 33 years experience as well – but still will not compromise myself to get that silly piece of paper – if I have to take humanities.

Humanities is not exactly a Soviet plot but it is a fascist requirement of a bureaucracy gone mad with power.  Welcome to even Christian education, where apparently taking human sexuality will help me be a better Christian or a more effective witness because I now understand I am a sexual animal and should breed like one at every opportunity!  (Since this is family oriented, I will pass on what I might have said.  Grrr!)  Or better yet the thought that someone with documented “no musical ability” should take piano or guitar to get the credits!  Like either of those classes would be passed by someone whom is rhythmically challenged?

So, why did this come up?  Because I hate psychology.  Every person I know whom has ever taken any psychology class ends up trying to “fix” everyone around them.  And with that said, I picked up two books for my trip which I have now completed. 

The first, Drawing On The Artist Within, opened very interestingly and closed very interestingly as well.  To bad the majority of the book had to occur though.  I thought it was about Drawing – not the psychology of drawing.   It delved far too deeply into psychology and brain function to be of any interest to me.  However, what it left for me to think on for many hours was how well they could show me all of those traits about myself which set me apart from my peers through all of my life.  If I could add the now interesting little test on the web which showed I was pretty balanced between my left and right brain (and I sort of made fun with at the time) – it all makes much more sense now at how God saw fit to create me.  What makes me – me: the artist within and the dark reflective side that scares me at times.  It scares me because I have always understood that side and the natural man it controls.

The second book was of more interest, Art & Fear.  I will probably read this one another two or three more times just to understand it more fully.  Written by artists, for artists, about artists and why we are successful or fail. 

Probably not their intention, but I started to understand more fully the differences between the European mindset and the American.  For the natural man it is Culture versus “ME”.  Why Americans must run red lights, block intersections, race for parking spots, take handicapped parking for a “quickie” in the store/library/whatever.  It is all about “ME”.  And though that is not the purpose of the book – it lays it bare so plainly.


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