Tuesday, April 9, 2013

You Can't Get To Heaven

When I pastored my first youth group, one of the favorite songs was, "You Can't Get To Heaven".  The kids loved singing this and always had to include whatever my poor excuse of a car was at the time.  For those of you whom are confused: "Oh you can't get ot heaven, in Kris' car, 'cause Kris' car, won't drive that far."  So you get the idea, any mode of transportation makes for a fun round singing.

But this morning I am in John 3:1 - 15.

You Can't Get To Heaven By Being Religious
Being a Christian is about have a relationship with Jesus, not religion.  Religion is feel good-ism.  Christianity is about a struggle as you relearn how to walk in this world, place the emphasis on God and Jesus, not yourself.

You can be a Christian and do religious things; but you can also do religious things and not be a Christian.

Although I think little of those whom devote themselves to philosophy, I have to admit that Pascal's observation that there is a "God sized hole in each of us", does seem to be true about man, across all cultures.  We, without even thinking about it, seek to fill that hole with whatever draws us in.  Materialism, politics, sports, sex, power, money, etc all seem to fit the hole that we each have, interestingly, so does God.  As I told my father once long ago, "... you can be successful and have the world, but what is the cost of being a servant of God, living a life devoted to helping your fellowman?  If I am wrong, then I will have lived a life truly in joy of the knowledge that many youth will be the better for it.  Amassing wealth, will only show how shallow I really am."  Yeah, well, he chose women and all of his wealth went to pay for 7 divorces.  Still bothers me.

You Can't Get To Heaven By Being Important
Nicodemus was rich, respected, religious and a ruler!
He had the best chance of any but still needed to recognize that Jesus was his Messiah (Christ).

We were talking about religion and US Presidents, and just doing fruit inspection.  So, when was the last Christian US President?  We were able to agree on Jimmy Carter.  And before him?  Yeah, that is a tough one.  I thought maybe Truman, but it would be using a definition of a Christian I am not very comfortable with....  Power does not seem to be very compatible with being a Christian.

You Can't Get To Heaven By Being Righteous or Good
Even though the Pharisees tended towards legalism, they loved God's Law and emphasized righteous living.  As leaders they judged, taught, were held accountable in business, etc - but still they came up short when it came to having salvation.

You Can't Get To Heaven By Being a Jesus Admirer
Saying, "Jesus, you did many great miracles, what a teacher you are", isn't the point of Jesus life and sacrifice.  You have to attain a new life.  Who needs to?  We all do!

It is time for Christians in this western culture to realize that they are not living any form of the Christian ideal, admit that and change accordingly.  Our churches are filled with, giving them the benefit of the doubt, admirers of Jesus, not disciples, not followers, not even converts!  Christianity has lost its way and we have a church quite happy with the status quo on the express rail to Hell.

What can you do?  Honestly, read your Bible.  Then be in prayer for understanding.  Ask the Holy Spirit to give you knowledge and wisdom.  Seek earnestly to know.  And God will respond, just be prepared to leave your ideas in the dust.

Although this is what I did, I am not saying you need to, but I found that I spent most of my time reading books about the Bible, not actually reading the Bible.  I was getting a head filled with other believers thoughts, ideas, beliefs, etc but I was not getting my understanding from the Bible.  I gave my entire library of over 4,000 books to a local church for an auction they were going to have.  And I do not miss them.

Yes, I kept a few commentaries, books by mentors, whom were signed for me.  But, the library went, I may have a few dozen books in total now on the Bible, ancient times, etc.

So, what is Kris' understanding of how to get to Heaven?  Well, we will be beating that horse to death over then next several days.  :)

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