Monday, April 15, 2013

Death of a Whale

Friday night a whale was spotted floating in the waters not far from my home.  Next morning, one of my boys from church headed over to see if it had washed ashore.  It certainly had.  So, my son rushed over and did some photography as well.

Friday night the whale still had a tale, so i would guess that someone attempted to tow it out in the early morning tide and torn the tale and skin off.

The poor whales seems to have been struck by a ship's propeller and thus the demise of one of God's grandeur creatures.

Of course, what was this lone whale doing in Puget Sound?  No idea.

Knowing the local water quality for marine life, one must assume that the whale was lost, getting ill and honestly that prop might have been a mercy stroke to what happens to most marine life in Puget Sound.  Very sad.

Of course, people flocked by the thousands on Sunday to see it.  So, rather than show my grand daughter what a whale is, she got to go swinging at the playground.  Probably smelled better there.....

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