Monday, April 22, 2013


Friday night was movie night and I managed to attend the IMAX release of Oblivion with and compliments of a friend. I am sure I have mentioned in the past that I find Tom Cruise to be about as exciting as wall paste, so keep that in mind as you read this review....

Beautifully photographed using fly through technology (again, thank you again cruel world for using something I had a hand in and not giving a me nickel for it! ). But, it was so well done, it was almost believable throughout the movie, it was some of the best CGI I have ever seen.  Much cleaner than the last Sherlock Holmes.

The Sci-Fi toys were great and I want that little airship, bad, honest!

The story was actually a  pretty good one, and wall paste even did a believable job with his parts!  (As if one TC is not bad enough!)

The Good: an exceptional movie and I loved it.
The Bad: one nude scene and luckily having my friend with me allowed me to continue to save this new born emotion and spirit within me from any tarnishment or exposure to desire.  Yeah, month two of complete take over and still hanging in there!

Final thought:  the movie asked a relevant question: What price humanity?

Interestingly, I had been praying about just that very question on Friday.  I find myself growing frighteningly human but at what cost?  Everything I possess to become what? A human?  Why?  What was wrong staying as I was?  Questions, questions, questions!  No answers.

But, this movie is highly recommended by both my friend and I, save for the 90 seconds or so I missed with my friend's help.

It is an owner.

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