Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Fishy, Fishy

I have no idea what my city government is up to at times; they do the weirdest things!

A case in point would be Friday.  No most people work with the exception of those of us whom have been laid off, still about 14%, though only reported as 7% since half have gone back to school, took early retirement, or just gave up and work at Burger King or similar.

So if 86% of the population is working, why would you have a one day visit of a fish sculpture to the town on a Friday and not the following Saturday and Sunday?  I know, silly me for even asking.....

And Friday we were visited by a 20 foot cast metal fish.  No explanation, not a part of any celebration, just a fish:

And now add the mystery from last week which appeared on a dead tree on the roadway down to where last week's dead whale was, and you have another oddity that makes the residents look at one another and go, "Yup, more Californians moving in ......"

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