Friday, April 12, 2013


Reality sucks.

Surprised that I might say something like that?  Yeah, well, then I wish you could walk with me and see what has been going on in my life and head this week.  I feel so sorry for my niece, she gets to bear the brunt of Kris' mental convolutions.  Even Dutchman, whom took me out for lunch had to sit back and just go, "Wow ......"  Yeah, my brain is on fire, searching, sifting, analyzing and reanalyzing everything as I redefine whom Kris is.  By the way, Dutch now thinks it is time to retire and wants me in his second house on his property outside of Priest River, Idaho.  But, my grand kids are here.  conversely, he does have places in Puerto Vaillarta.  Hmmmmm.

Just as serious as my redefining reality to myself, so is the entire topic of eternity, I have been rolling this around my head for a few days on another level of my brain.  Yeah, I usually have four or five things all running concurrently through the grey matter.  Usually things may rot in there for weeks before I come to a conclusion.

Do you take the topic of eternity seriously?

I do not think that most do, especially the "pseudo-christians" filling America's churches.  (pseudo is Greek for false-form, something that appears to be one thing but is actually something entirely different)  Generally, when I bring up this subject, I get feelings, impressions, whatever the latest pop-culture whim is!  Mighty flimsy foundation upon which to base your eternity on here!

Please read John 3:16, if you have not already memorized it.

Interestingly, when it comes to your eternal life, you will either be dead-wrong or dead-right.  You are going to die, it is almost guaranteed!  I do not think anyone can afford to actually be dead-wrong!  My father bet his eternity on my being wrong; I am satisfied I am not.

So, you die.  The exact moment comes for  you, God knew long ago when it was, and you either took advantage of one of your opportunities for salvation or you are not going to perish.  There is a bread truck or a train wreck with your name on it out there just waiting to occur!

Perishing is not ceasing to exist, it is still existing but now suffering the torments of Hell.  Hell was made for the rebellious angels and Satan, not you.  But, you get to earn eternal destruction just by not accepting Jesus as the payment for sin and what separates you from God.

Vine's Bible Dictionary, defines this as:
"the idea is not extinction but ruin, loss, not of being, but the loss of well being."

God will judge us for our sins, our deeds and willingly sentence us to Hell, but only as a last resort - only over His son's dead body!

John 17:3, 3:36, 5:24 and 1 John 5:11

When does eternity begin?  It begins here and now, where you are, what you are facing, what you are doing.

The world and even our churches are filled with walking dead people!  They are spiritually dead, they are looking for someone to notice, for someone to show them the way.  And they are probably clueless that this is true of them.  It is always someone in Borneo, not right here in my church, neighborhood, restaurant, etc.

When Heaven is mentioned in the Bible, it speaks in terms of things we are familiar with here on Earth.  However, you must remember and realize that Heaven is a gated community.  Not everyone is welcome nor will be admitted.

It boils down to either you are responsible for yourself when you stand before God, or Jesus is.  Unlike my father, make the wise decision and err on the side of God taking responsibility for you.

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