Friday, March 22, 2013

Restoring Christianity

It is not too late for Christianity to be reintroduced to America and through a change in our culture by extension to the rest of the world.  It starts with you, it starts with your family, it starts with  your neighbors, you town, your state.  For those of you whom know me, you know that I am about as un-evangelical as you can get, however ..... it seems that I, we, you, all of us ..... have come upon a time to act.  Not as a banging drum of "Repent You Are Going To Hell" - there probably are those whom need to do that, but as loving witnesses to all of those around us.  And we have to avoid all doing the same thing.

Some need to be addressing the abortion issue; offer adoption, finances for adoption, find couples, finds girls willing to adopt out and not kill their babies.  You might have to offer them a home to live in even while they are pregnant.  If you can afford, to even pay for their birthing process!

Some need to take on the sex trade.  When even in my neighborhood, a home not six from my own, turned out to be a place where Thai girls where brought to for prostitution to rich oriental businessmen visiting my city, there is a major problem here!  As I am learning, that problem just might be in every known corner of this country!  Girls are routinely shipped around the world as part of the slave trade - this must be stopped!  No, I am clueless but I recognize the problem.  I expect Argentina to be a hot spot in the very near future (as the Olympics are now headed that way).  It will take governmental, local governmental changes, neighborhoods made aware of the problem and a system of exposing and prosecuting those involved with REAL prison time.  And then there is the need to reach out to those women (that would be the job for a females here to perform without male input.....)

The social stigma of a woman wanting a family must end within our ranks.  Conversely, the Church stigma of a woman working outside the home must end as well.  We must learn to accept one another and support one another!  This is not rocket science here!

Dating, within our ranks, must become public or group situations.  As parents, you are worse than a fool to allow your child to play adult situational games without the tools needed to support that environment.  And sorry but if that golden boy/girl is not a Christian, you really have no business being with them at all.

Pastors faced with sin within the eldership, have to strategically trim the sin from the body.  If the head is corrupted, the body will follow.  (hmmm, whom said that one?)  And conversely, when sin is found in the Pastor, it is time to replace them.  Sorry, you toast your Christian witness and there really is no recovery back to a pastorate or to eldership.  That is why you are supposed to be oh so careful in the first place!

 How do you want to deal with the "gay" agenda?  It is mighty hard to slam a barn door closed once it has opened but the Christian attack will continue as the government places more and more pressure to conform on churches whom refuse to marry them, etc.  this will require direct political pressure to be applied, single issue (non-redneck) candidates supported, etc.  We really do not need to be seen as haters but those whom would take us over should understand that there is a fight if they wish to do so.

How are we to get non Christian teachers out of our seminaries?  Good luck, that one should have been done in the 1960's!  How are we to hold Christian publishers accountable?  Companies whom are the largest are amongst the worse with the garbage they publish.  I often wonder if there is a book not published!  I hate the thought of a screening board, but honestly, is that unreasonable given the media today?  And we must stop the government approved assault upon our children, without appearing as raving lunatics.

And as I read this, I am struck by how reactionary it sounds.  How hard core this week reads as and yet, it is only by comparison to the ground the church has lost across the past fifty years it becomes so.

As Christians we have every reason to stand solid in our faith.  We can prove our Bible, the critics are without ammunition and yet their liberalism would have you think otherwise.  It is why I went into apologetics in the first place, not be another Ravi Zacharias, we only need one.  But, to find out for myself what was exactly truth about my religion - was it all faith, or was there more to it than that.

Well, I hope this has all given  you something to think about....

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