Thursday, March 14, 2013

Changing Your Worldview

In man’s natural state, our Worldview directly dictates our Values.  Those Values direct the Behavior we will exhibit.  So, natural man’s usual inclination for their Worldview is to be self-directed.  Man wishes to define their own path, make their own decision, based upon the desire to have what is most advantageous to them to occur.  Ego, vanity, self-centeredness is our natural state.  Anything outside of this is, would be an anomaly.

Now, let us consider the Christian, the typical one, maybe you.  Their early training in the faith inevitably encourages them to modify their sinful behaviors.  After all, sin separates us from God; therefore, we must stop sinning in order to get back in the right with God!  Neutral example, they have a problem with lying.  So, easy fix : stop lying!  What more could be natural or easy to do?

So, here the idea is that by stopping your sin Behavior, you will across time change your values and eventually your worldview.  Success!

However, here is the problem: the harder you focus on your sin Behavior, the greater your failures will be!  What?  That does not even make sense!  If you can stop sinning by stopping your lying problem, then how can you fail?  Because, you are not changing your Values, you are leaving the natural man intact.

Now to avoid this problem, you must first change that Worldview, which supports those Values of the natural man, which is controlling your Behavior.

But, how do you change a person’s Worldview?

Well, as a general statement, this is how:

Begin back with the previous diagram, the Christian Struggle.   

In it, I show that the result of the entire struggle is to change your character, increase your faith, add to your success experiences and ….. what is not shown:  Your successes + the work of the Holy Spirit + time in the Scriptures will yield a changed Worldview.

Instead of hammering Behavior, we focus on our successes as we have them in greater and greater abundance.  Soon, failure goes from several times a day to whatever low a level as you can sustain.  Let’s face it, Satan is sly.  He will hit you when you are down, ill, feeling blue, when we are knocked sideways by life, he will hammer you every chance he gets – and yeah, you may well fail without the support of your trusted community (prayer partners and accountability partners).  Moreover, even their failures can frustrate our own ability to succeed!  Yeah, success can get complicated…..

Okay, so in general, the above is true and what you must do.  However, we do have some difficult situations: prior involvement in the occult, murder, and sexual sin / adultery (straight, gay, no matter, all the same to God).  These three are difficult because you have been playing Satan’s game in his territory and he is not going to let you escape either easily nor silently.  He will bang on you like a drum to remind you that you are his!  In reality, no you are not, you are God’s if you have confessed and accepted Jesus’ sacrifice on your behalf.  But, remember that Satan is the liar, he will do anything to get you to give up and turn your back on God and fall back into sin.  ANYTHING.  Get the drift here?  That is how important it is to him to force the young Christian into failure.  To force you to go after behavior rather than your worldview.  To separate you from those you need to call upon for help and make you feel unworthy, dirty, condemned.  To destroy your Christian witness before it ever was.

If my friend, you fall into the above three areas, know that I can feel your pain and the battle you face.  So, what are you to do?  First get yourself into a protective environment of REAL Christians.  Hint, they are rare, but you will need them and they must be real and straight before God.  I am sure that if you are searching in humility, God will bring them your way. One or two of them must become your personal accountability partner – so mega trust and transparency.  If they condemn you or gossip, lose them fast!  Prayer is your number one weapon.  Know your Bible!  I guarantee whatever your sin, you can find there detailed the life of someone whom did as you, and you can see not only the cost they paid but also the way to freedom.  Back on the Christian Struggle diagram, those steps now become extremely important because Satan will hammer you and you have got to have your act together in order to win your fight.  Remember, Jesus already won the war, Satan is already defeated, Jesus’ victory is yours, holding out is the nerve wracking part.  You can even email me, I will join with you in prayer, if there is no one closer.

(Note: changing a worldview is extremely difficult to force in someone else’s life, it is almost impossible to find success in just your life.  Both can be done, both can fail miserably.  Your sincere desire + tremendous prayer by yourself and with others + study will indeed change whom you are…..)

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