Friday, March 8, 2013

Raising A Stink

Continuing my thoughts of my life in a crisis, being at a crossroad and still being effective for God to use.

John 12:4-8

The setting is important here: Jesus has joined Martha, Mary and Lazarus for a celebratory feast.  After-all, Lazarus has been resurrected from the grave!  Also in attendance, we know of, Simon the leper, and the disciples.  Of course, it could be the 12 or the 120, there was the inner circle and the greater circle whom hung with Jesus.  Lets go with 12 so that Lazarus was not going to be bankrupted here!

Love Jesus with all you have been given by God.  That should be:
  • Heart
  • Soul
  • Mind 
  • Strength
That would be by blessing someone else, with what you have been given.  It will be different for each of us and in for those we are to bless as well.  You might even have to model forgiveness and unconditional love!  Whom has heard of such a thing in this culture!  But, it might just be required of you.

Look for a stink to happen when your life smells good to God!
Oh yeah.  Mary (Miriam) anoints Jesus' feet with her tears and perfume valued at a years wage by a professional soldier!  Heap big bucks were just expended on a dead man walking and I think she knew it.

I am told that Nard smells like gardenia, personally I hate the smell of gardenia, but oh well that is just me.  In the ancient times that much would have been noticeable, if not overcoming in a small home filled with people.  And the smell would have lasted for days.  Remember Jesus is now entering his last week on Earth.  Lots of symbolism here.

But, Judas condemns her for the waste.  His greed is exposed to everyone whom hears.  Judas could have complained of her having let her hair down in public, much less before the Rabbi!  She was touching Jesus, tsk, tsk!  Etc.  Yeah he could of complained of much but he only went for the value of what had just been "wasted".  What would Jesus do?

How about first protecting her honor by reprimanding Judas and I dare say then she was to blessed for her sacrifice and honor given him.

Listen for the only opinion that counts.
Do you live to please God or others?
How many defended Mary (Miriam) here? Only Jesus did.
In reality it is only His opinion which counts.  "Leave her alone....." He said.

Do not let your critics stop you from your service or duty before God!
Be of service to God, invest your life in others, silence your critics!

Let the fragrance follow you.
You know Jesus reeked of gardenia through all of the last week of his life.  I have no doubt he raised a few eyebrows where ever he went!  The smell was known, the value was known, and this rag tag Rabbi just reeked of it.  Where do you imagine that amount of wealth came from?!?!?!?!

Make everything in your life a sweet smelling offering to Jesus, in spite of the critics in your life!

So, I sit here, judged by my friends, by my church, by my elders, for having invested myself in others.  It does not help that Lucinda turned on me, believing she was saving her daughter, and got her to share tales.  I realized when I heard the words, that they were Lucinda's, not our shared daughter's (no, she is mine by adoption).  So, Kris carries with him a mighty stink at this time.

My defense is only the truth, which is unpopular because it is nowhere as juicy as the tales.  And when the critic ultimately calls upon Timothy, and Paul's admonishinon not to deal with females, I have to reply:
  • I did what I was called to do
  • I called upon females, in my life and church, to help and none would
  • I called upon help from my church and it would not
  • And no Christian doctrine is based upon a single verse
  • So, Mr. Critic, your problem is exactly what?
Yeah, there is the rub.  Christians are quick to condemn, but really hate to realize that they are condemned by their own inaction, especially when those doing it are the very ones I called upon for help in the first place!  Doesn't stop them from condemning me - to their shame and eventual condemnation before God.

You see, God is blessing me, even as to the world's eyes I am getting exactly what I have coming.  He knows I have no value in possessions or wealth, I only cherish people.  Most of the people left my life long before this mess, because I was "stupid" in investing myself in a known problem, or believing Kris is having a mid-life crisis (he isn't, my mind is quite clear and there are no red sports cars in my future!).

So in spite of the critics in my personal life and in my church, I continue to do as told to do by God.  Which infuriates a few but oh well.  I have always been solely answerable to God and will continue to be as far as my actions and prayer life are concerned.  Yeah, I have often thought myself quite insane.  The more pressure put on me to recant my belief that I have done as God has asked, only recalls the picture of what a freed life looks like in the eyes of one whom suddenly realizes their freedom.  And so, my tasks, I have quietly removed from public view, but that in no ways means I have seen the light of truth from my critics - no, i just removed the temptation from them for further condemnations.  If it is of God, they will "know" miraculously, not from this blog, nor my life, what I am about, then I might listen.

And to the two whom love me, thank you for standing by me through what continues to be a tragedy.  Honestly, I think there might be a book in this .....  But, I would have to have it published as fiction, whom would believe ever believe this tale?

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