Wednesday, May 11, 2011

OSS 117

Okay, for those of you - who like me - are pushing or have exceeded 60, this is a movie for you!  Of course, if you are younger, you may well enjoy this film just for its blatant presentation of a world before "political correctness".

This movie is a satire on the Sean Connery, James Bond films.  Use a French super spy, 117, teamed with a female Moussad agent/ Army officer, hunting South American Nazi's, a train load of male bravado, a feminist, a trainload of hippies and you have some very funny moments.

Naturally, being a French film, a certain amount of nudity must be tolerated; Americans will be portrayed as foul mouthed egotists, Germans are misguided fools and women belong in the home.  I would also comment that this the most restrained of French films I have ever viewed - and by far the funniest!

Foul language, limited nudity, English subtitles.  Not for youth,would rate a PG-13 under our warped system to destroy our youth.  I would give it a R rating.

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